How to Join - LAMA Sarasota

Joining our organization is easy, but it is not a quick process. Not everyone is cut out to ride with an association like the Sarasota Chapter of the Latin American Motorcycle Association; however, if an individual rider is interested in joining our chapter, he or she should do the following:

   Attend our scheduled meetings, rides and events.

   Display an interest and/or desire to be part of our group.

When the individual decides to seek chapter membership, he or she will be offered the chance to become a "Prospect" of our chapter. Upon completing three (3) months as a "Prospect" the membership committee of our chapter will vote to promote the "Prospect" to "Probate." If the new member is promoted to "Probate" he or she will be offered the privilege to wear the Latin American Motorcycle Association rockers.

The chapter membership committee will vote to promote the individual to "Full" membership after the individual has completed three (3) months as a "Probate" member.

If the "Probate" member is promoted to "Full" membership, he or she will then be offered the privilege to wear the full Latin American Motorcycle Association colors and to become a full member of Latin American Motorcycle Association and of the Latin American Motorcycle Association Sarasota Chapter.


1. Latin American Motorcycle Association does not give "COLORS" away. An individual must earn the right and privilege to wear the colors.

2. The Sarasota Chapter of the Latin American Motorcycle Association does not automatically accept an applicant. To do so would compromise our Brother/Sisterhood.

3. Any member that fails to meet and/or comply with Latin American Motorcycle Association National By-Laws and/or our Standard Operating Procedures will be immediately stripped of Latin American Motorcycle Association membership and of Latin American Motorcycle Association colors.

 Ride Suggestions Click Here to send suggestion

If you have a suggestion for a ride, submit it by. Be sure to include the name and location of the destination, your name and any comments you may have. Please keep in mind that the rides are scheduled in advance and the destinations are reviewed for suitability before being scheduled. Suitability requires that a destination have the ability to handle a large group and provide safe, adequate motorcycle parking. Other factors such as distance, road conditions, weather, time-of-day, day-of-week, and difficulty of ride are also considered.

United We Ride...United We Stand

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